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A Hard Place: The Rise Of Street Gangs - Brett Stevens

A Hard Place: The Rise Of Street Gangs - Brett Stevens

Regular price $16.00 AUD
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*A Hard Place: The Rise of Street Gangs* by Brett Stevens provides an in-depth analysis of the emergence and evolution of street gangs. The book explores the sociological, economic, and cultural factors that contribute to the rise of these gangs in urban areas. 

Stevens examines the origins of various gangs, their structure, and their impact on communities. The book discusses how these gangs form, the influence of poverty and lack of opportunity, and the role of violence and criminal activity in their growth. It also looks at the ways in which street gangs interact with law enforcement, the legal system, and broader societal issues.

Through case studies and detailed research, Stevens offers insights into the challenges faced by individuals involved in gangs, as well as the efforts to address and mitigate the problems associated with gang activity. The book aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of the complexities surrounding street gangs and their influence on modern society.

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