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Animations of Mortality - Terry Gilliam & Lucinda Cowell

Animations of Mortality - Terry Gilliam & Lucinda Cowell

Regular price $45.00 AUD
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''Warning: If you are of an artistic disposition and didn't know that animators do it for the money this book may shock you! If you always believed that cartoon films were put together from hundreds of thousands of painstaking drawings this book may disturb you!! If you have always thought of Angelo Bronzino as no more than a respected master of Tuscan Mannerism this book may confound you!!!

If you don't like to see large pneumatic ladies exploding this book may disgust you!!!! In Animations of Mortality Terry Gilliam, aging animator of Monty Python and the Holy Grail, And Now for Something Completely Differenct and the Monty Python TV series; and creator of the film Jabberwocky lays bare for the first time the twisted and sordid little secrets of the Wonderful World of Animation.''

Small crease to bottom right cover corner - see photos

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