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Armageddon - Bob Leamen

Armageddon - Bob Leamen

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Doomsday in our lifetime

Armageddon, Doomsday, Apocalypse are words used to describe the end of our world since the days of the pharaohs by prophets, both spiritual and temporal:

Saint Malachy - twelfth century Irish priest forecast only

two more popes after John Paul II.

Nostradamus' third Anti-Christ is living amongst us.

The Miracle of Fatima - the third secret, when revealed

to Pope John XXIlI, made him tremble with horror.

The Doomsday Clock - established by scientists to

monitor the world's nuclear arsenals - now set at three minutes to midnight.

All these indicators peint to doomsday in our lifetime.

We now have the means to fulfill the prophecies to bring Armageddon upon ourselves

Bob Leamen has witten he text of this book and wrote and directed the forthcoming television special of the same name. Leamer-s a regular columnist for the Melbourne Herald, and has worked as a journalist in the US and New Zeatand.

Michael Coyne jsaworld renowned photojournalist,

contributing regularly to National Geographic, Time, Newsweek and Le Figaro to name but a few. Through his work he has travelled the world from Tierra del Fuego to Iran. Coyne has contributed the cover and inside photographs for Armageddon.

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