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Greely's Cove - John Gideon

Greely's Cove - John Gideon

Regular price $8.00 AUD
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Good old fashioned horror and what a great little read with some super memorable characters. An ancient evil "The Giver of Dreams" has taken up residence in Greely's Cove and it's growing stronger, maturing through it's cycle of hunger and feeding, moving with practiced diligence toward's its goal..reproduction. Along the way The Giver of Dream is collecting and devouring the residents of Greely's Cove...can it be stopped...can this evil in the form of Dr Adrian Craslowe be destroyed only time and a hero in the form of Carl Trosper hold the key.

Carl has returned to Greely's Cove on the unfortunate death of his wife Lorna, to look after his son Jeremy who unknown to him has been recruited and is under the evil spell of Craslowe....enter the players: Hannie Hazelford an eccentric old witch who fights the evil with her own special magical powers, Robbie Sparhawk, a forensic psychic who is present in Greely's Cove to help solve the mystery of the disappearing residents.
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