Joe Donnelly - Still Life
Joe Donnelly - Still Life
Caitlin Brook came to Linnvale village after the shooting that left her paralysed. Here, surrounded by the ancient Caledonia forest, she finds peace—during the hours of daylight. But when darkness falls, she is consumed by vivid dreams, dreams that she is running with the wind, dreams that take her ever closer to the gnarled, grotesque tree at the forest's heart.
Two strangers break into her life: Martin Thornton, a reporter who moves closer to her than the quest for his story requires; and Shelia Garvie, a healer and wise old woman, whose ancestors fill Linnvale's graves and who gives nourishment to Caitlin's disturbing dreams. Caitlin needs these two strangers—but their own need is more powerful.
As Caitlin loses control of her destiny, the forces of civilisation are ranked against the guardians of the ancient forest, moving unstoppably towards a savage confrontation. Nature and the old gods are demanding fresh blood, new life, human sacrifice...