Murder Can Be Fun #19 Musical Mayhem – John Marr
Murder Can Be Fun #19 Musical Mayhem – John Marr
Are you into My Favourite Murder or Last Podcast on the Left? if So this is for you!
Music just doesn't soothe the soul; it inspires homicidal and suicidal frenzy among its performer and mass hysteria out on the audience. Who knew the record store could be such a morbid place.
For more than 20 years, the print zine Murder Can Be Fun has dedicated itself to the unpleasant, unhealthy, yet oddly gratifying task of reviling in the more sordid and violent side of life. Dead people in Disneyland. Santa Cruz Serial Killers. Molasses Floods. Soccer Riots. And all that other fun stuff.
Murder Can Be Fun is included in most major zine collections including the New York Public Library, San Francisco Public Library, the Sarah and Jen Wolfe Zine Collection at The University of Iowa, and the West Coast Zine Collection at San Diego State University.
In this issue:
- Musical Mayhem
- Spade Cooley
- Dying For David Cassidy
- ... and more!
Author: John Marr
Publisher: self-published
Pages: 48pp