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Noise and Society - Charles Rodda

Noise and Society - Charles Rodda

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Everyone agrees that noise is annoying but we are not entirely sure why.
Undoubtedly when we speak of noise we are referring to something
unwanted. Efforts have therefore been made to restrict the amount of
noise in society and various techniques have been developed to assess
sound so that the measure has a psychological meaning. The scientific
measurement of noise is not difficult but its control is complicated by the
fact that instruments do not react to noise in the way a human being
does. The same measured intensity of sound may be pleasant or
objectionable depending on whether it is produced by a symphony
orchestra or a pneumatic road drill. In turn, even the orchestral sound
may appear as unwanted noise to a non-musical person.

Dr Rodda first defines noise and in subsequent chapters deals with
legal aspects, measurement, occupational deafness, and the effects of
noise on speech efficiency, mental health and physiological disturbance.
He considers also the many sources of noise in Our environment and deals
with the general questions of its control in the community. Throughout
the book the author maintains the psychological as well as the physical
approach and presents a personal interpretation of current knowledge of
the subject.

Ex library book, shows signs of wear. 

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