Dark Horse Presents 20
Dark Horse Presents 20
An all-new, all-star Annual! This double-sized, square-bound issue contains sixty four pages (no ads), featuring all new stories from the creators who have made Dark Horse Presents the most respected anthology title on the stands today: Concrete, by Paul Chadwick; Trekker, by Ron Randall; Mindwalk, by Randy Stradley and Randy Emberlin (last seen in DHP #4!); Masque, by Mark Badger; Bob the Alien, by Rich Rice; Wacky Squirrel, by Mike Richardson and Jim Bradrick; plus--a special appearance of Black Cross by Chris Warner, a new four-page Mr. Monster story by Michael T. Gilbert, an appearance by Bob Burden's Flaming Carrot, a new story by Gary Davis, and more! 64 pages, B&W.