Harlan Ellisons Dream Corridor 4
Harlan Ellisons Dream Corridor 4
Written by Harlan Ellison. Art by Eric Shanower. Hey, pal, we just got the numbers in on the first issue of this series, and all we can say is Wow. Well, that's not all we can say. We can also say Thank You. But, you know, the best way to say Thanks is not with words; it's with actions. And that's why we've pulled out all the stops for this issue of Dream Corridor. We chained fan-favorite writer Peter David down in the cellar to script the adaptation of "Catman," the story about how the other half, the criminal element, lives. Then we hung around in the bushes of Mike Deodato's house, and ambushed him when he left to send off his latest pages of Wonder Woman. (When you see the crease down the middle of page 12 of the next WW, know that it's our fault.) He's down in that same cellar with Peter, painting all those beautiful "Catman" pages. You wouldn't think a guy surviving on bread and water would be able to do such a wonderful job! The body they have to keep stepping over is John Byrne, who has been locked down there for months. He's just turned in his final installment of "I Have No Mouth, and I Must Scream," and he's working up the strength to climb the stairs. And the icing on the corpse this month is this intriguing tale of fantasy titled "Cold Friend," which boasts a script adaptation by R.A. Jones and the artwork of David Lapham (Stray Bullets). Interstitial framing sequences for the whole schmagegi have been created by Harlan Ellison and rendered by Eric Shanower. Wrap it all up with a painted cover by Jane McKenzie and an all-new short story by Ellison titled "Chatting with Anubis," and you got yourself one big Thank You. Now on with our show. Harlan Ellison's Dream Corridor -- Building a global community through Creative Untruthing. 32 pages, FC.